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Maximize profitability and minimize cyber risk

Make profitable decisions with speed to market that matches the dynamic cyber risk landscape

Effectively balance risk appetites with growth and profit goals

Cyber insurance has been characterized by volatile risks and equally volatile underwriting requirements. Underwriting overcorrections lead to dissatisfied brokers and insureds who question the value of cyber insurance. A more nimble approach to underwriting that relies on leading, not lagging, indicators of risk will deliver sustainable growth, competitive advantages, and customer satisfaction. Using SecurityScorecard, underwriting leaders leverage data correlated with claims at scale to create sustainable underwriting strategies.


Navigate dynamic risks with confidence

  • Optimize risk selection

    Leverage detailed exposure data to differentiate applicants and avoid risks that lead to higher-than-expected claims frequency and severity

  • Augment rating strategies

    Inform actuarial modeling with data correlated to claims and accurately price risks to deliver loss ratio goals

  • Deliver consistent results

    Clearly communicate a risk appetite to underwriters and standardize risk management practices with trusted security metrics

Critical Capabilities

  • Real-time dark and clear web data collection

    Stay ahead with immediate access to real-time data from both the dark and clear web

  • Global scanning and robust intelligence collection

    Harness the strength of global scanning capabilities and comprehensive intelligence collection

  • Curated by world-class cyber intelligence experts

    Leverage insights curated by world-class cyber intelligence experts, ensuring unparalleled accuracy and relevance

  • AI and LLM powered intelligence

    Leverage the power of AI and LLMs for scalable intelligence, enabling effective handling of complex datasets and scenarios


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